Monday, April 15, 2019

An Open Letter to Ambassador Ismail Wais, the IGAD Special Peace Envoy to South Sudan

Dear Ambassador Ismail Wais,

I am writing in response to your letter dated 1 March 2019, Invitation to a meeting in Addis Ababa. In your letter you labelled non-signatories from the South Sudan National Democratic Alliance (SSNDA) – members who refused to buy into the flawed and fake Khartoum Peace Agreement (KPA) – as being “spoilers and (shall) be held accountable”.

I am outraged and gravely concerned about the use of undiplomatic language, unethical, unfair, unwise, one-sided and biased diatribe against the members of SSNDA. Your letter is designed to bully the National Salvation Front (NAS) and other opposition leaders into giving in to the complacency of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD).

I would like to respond to your letter by addressing the following: two concepts of mediators and facilitation; the imposed, flawed and fake Khartoum Peace Agreement; the real peace spoilers; IGAD’s bias; and deforestation in Equatoria. I will then draw my conclusion.

A mediator who presides over peace negotiations should be an impartial facilitator with no link to either party in a negotiation. He/she should have no interest in the substance of an agreement itself, but is, rather, concerned with the process of helping the parties reach a satisfactory agreement on their own.

Additionally, a credible and impartial mediator should facilitate and negotiate in “good faith”. Good faith is an important concept in any type of negotiation along with trust and honesty, which serve to minimise the gaps between the parties in the conflict.

The aim of a competent mediator is to minimise the gap between the regime in Juba and SSNDA and develop a holistic plan to address the root causes of the problems caused by the tribal government of President Salva Kiir; establish a framework to address and propose a fair way forward to address the root causes of the conflicts; propose a Confederate system of governance in the post-transitional period; and establish how to eliminate the culture of corruption with impunity, kleptocracy, administrative corruption, Dinkanization-Nuerization policy, institutionalised discrimination, political detention, and land-grabbing by members of the Juba regime.

By your actions, you are defending the interests of Kiir’s regime by imposing on the non-signatories of the flawed and fake KPA. Your biased KPA serves the economic and water resources interests of neighbouring countries of Egypt, Sudan, Kenya and Uganda.

The non-signatories to the imposed, flawed and fake KPA are the truly credible groups who represent the interests of the vast majority of South Sudanese, especially the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and the refugees, who have been forced out of their homes by the Kiir regime which you are defending. The Kiir regime has not only killed, raped, and driven South Sudanese into United Nations protection (UNPCO) and refugee camps, they have also stolen billions of South Sudanese resources, leaving the population poor and starving.

As you know, the imposed flawed and fake peace agreement serves only the interests of the leaders in the region who are facilitating and fuelling genocide in slow motion in Equatoria and harbouring looted public funds for development. They are concealing billions of stolen monies from South Sudan in their bank accounts in Egypt, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia. Western taxpayers would keenly want to see IGAD develop appropriate strategies to recover the stolen money so that it could be redirected to pay for the implementation of the peace process, and rebuilding health care and education systems and provide clean water to all. The theft of public funds is in itself a conflict driver and peace spoiler, but never SSNDA.

The peace spoilers are Egypt, Sudan and Uganda who deployed their troops to South Sudan to protect their economic interests – oil fields, illegal teak logging, gold mining businesses, and water and natural resources in the Equatoria States.

Additionally, the intervention of Sudan into the internal affairs of South Sudan is an attempt to revive the policy of Arabisation and Islamisation of South Sudan, and to remote-control Kiir to submit to the war criminal of Sudan. Such unwarranted and illicit interventions by Sudan and Uganda in the internal affairs of neighbouring member states runs counter to the African Union Principles of Non-Interference.

On 19 March 2019, Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni wrote to Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame and stated that he stands by the AU Non-Interfering Principle: Interfering in the internal affairs of sister countries is wrong because, first of all, outsiders cannot understand situations of sister countries well”. And yet the same Museveni interferes in South Sudan’s internal affairs daily and deploys Ugandan troops to Equatoria States. Yet IGAD under your stewardship is giving a blind eye to the violation of the AU Non-Interference Principle.

The IGAD’s Non-Interference policy simply means that the AU and IGAD turn a blind eye to the illegal activities of the neighbouring states in South Sudan. Museveni is contradicting himself. Museveni is responsible for political instability in Congo, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan. He has intervened directly in the internal affairs of South Sudan, and IGAD is silent about it. Museveni is a clear conflict driver. He is the peace spoiler of the imposed, flawed and fake peace negotiation, and deforestation in Equatoria.

The IGAD principle objective for the establishment of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Drought and Development (IGADD) in 1996 was to prevent deforestation and now the agency has chosen to turn a blind eye to the man-made deforestation in Equatoria States. The illegal logging business is a conflict driver, and Uganda and Kenya by engaging in illegal logging and mining are peace spoilers to the 2015 Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (ARCSS) and the 2018 Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS).

The 2015 signing of the ARCSS reaffirmed the establishment of the UN/AU Hybrid Court to prosecute sanctioned SPLA illiterate generals and government officials who participated in and facilitated the senseless December 2013 and June 2016 ethnic conflicts that targeted the Nuer people, as well as the perpetration of war crimes against humanity and money laundering.

Once again IGAD under your leadership failed the hopes of victims of rape and crimes against humanity. This is why the survivors are unwilling and afraid to leave the UNPCO camps. The donors, friends of IGAD and victims of the 2013 and 2016 ethnic conflicts are anxiously waiting to see justice done. They are watching with eagle eyes to see when IGAD would embark on advocacy to rally support for the establishment of the UN Hybrid Court.

Currently, there is ongoing forceful recruitment in eight states: Yirol, Rumbek, Twic, Tonj, Gogrial, Gok, Aweil (known as Aweil Algadim or Old Aweil), and in Bhar Al Ghazal. President Kiir and Akol Koor, Director South Sudan National Security Service (SSNS), tasked and directed Major General Lual Wek and Angelo Taban to carry out forced recruitments. So far over 9,000 ethnic Dinka men have been recruited.

The illegal, one-tribe recruitment policy runs against the current KPA. Yet IGAD remains totally silent about it. This is deafening. If there is any greater danger for South Sudan and a real peace spoiler, it is the forceful recruitment of one tribal group at a time when SSNDA is calling for the formation of one national army that reflects the national character of 64 ethnic groups in the country.

Excluding other parties in the conflict from renegotiating R-ARCSS is another conflict driver.

In your letter you indicated that there is to be no renegotiation of R-ARCSS: yet you re-engaged Paul Malong who was not a party to R-ARCSS and invited him to be part of R-ARCSS, while on the other hand, you excluded the following parties: General Cosmas WoriKojo, Chairman of the National Resistance Front (NRF), Dr Hakim Moi of PDM, and Mr Taban Julu of PDM. Both Dr Moi and Mr Julu are parties to R-ARCSS as well as members of the diaspora in North America, Europe and Australia. They participated in the talks.

The above example is evidence that IGAD is clearly playing the politics of indifference and discrimination, and it has become a carbon copy of the Juba regime.

Your one-sided and arrogant letter undermines human rights and the rights of the voiceless, the innocent, the Internal Displaced Persons (IDPs) in UNPCO, and the victims of the Juba regime who are still living in the UN camps (UNPCOs). Your legacy will be remembered as that of a failed mediator who was responsible for selling out the peace process, leading to the betrayal of millions of people. You betrayed the aspirations of victims of ethnic cleansing, and the urge to help by donor states and friends of IGAD.

If the situation does not change, your legacy will be remembered as being the mouthpiece of the Juba regime, the sellout peace envoy who has betrayed the region and who has chosen to go against all principles of conflict resolution and facilitation. Instead, you are now leading the fight on behalf of the unelected Juba regime’s interests.

You seem to want to exonerate the burning issues of the tribal government of Kiir and his tribal advisers of the Jieng Council of Elders (JCE) that led the country into senseless ethnic civil war, a war which has claimed thousands of lives and driven millions to refugee camps in neighbouring countries.

For the SSNDA, you will be remembered as a toothless bully mediator who tried to impose unreasonable conditions on the authentic voices for the voiceless. From this, I can envisage that your next move might be to lock up General Thomas C Swaka under house arrest in Ethiopia or even hand him over to killers in Juba. This is very clear from your threatening language.

For the suffering church of South Sudan, the relatives of the late Reverend Lasu of Yei – who appeared before Adama Dieng, the UN’s Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide and was murdered by the SSNS – and rape victims, you will be remembered as the mediator who failed to hold the Juba regime accountable for the rape of Western aid workers, and all violations of the peace agreement.

For the conflict and development analysts and policy-makers, you will be remembered as the promoter of the oppressor, and a mediator that asserts the economic interests of neighbouring countries into agreement and who supercedes the interests of the South Sudanese.

Your proposed solution is only dealing with the symptoms, rather than the root causes of ethnic civil war. Unfortunately, IGADs’ approach to peace is harmful, manipulative and lacks an overall solution to the main problems created by the tribal government in Juba.

In a nutshell, if Kiir himself has confirmed that R-ARCSS is a flawed peace agreement and it is not going to deliver good governance and economic development, then why on earth are you trying to drag SSNDA into it, while knowing very well that it is not going to effect any positive changes in people’s lives?

The Juba regime has failed to pay public servant salaries for over six months, failed to improve living standards, provide security, and ensure the development of basic service delivery to effect changes in people’s lives.

There are many still living in the UNPCOs in Juba and other parts of the country – are you blind to all of these? How could you call your peace a just peace? Peace without justice is not peace.

The real peace-spoilers are the IGAD and its leadership; Uganda, Kenya, Egypt and Sudan; President Kiir’s tribal Jieng Council of Elders; Kiir himself; and the forced recruitment of Dinka ethnic youth – not the members of the SSNDA.

I call on IGAD, the AU, the Troika, and friends of IGAD to seriously consider Swisspeace, IofC International, Professor Vern Redekop of CICR, Jeff Mapendere of the Canadian International Institute of Applied Negotiation (CIIAN) and the NCPA to replace Ambassador Ismail Wais before it is too late.


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

An Open Letter to the Right Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

The Right Hon. Justin Trudeau   

Prime Minister of Canada

House of Commons

Ottawa, ON, K1A 0A6

March 2nd, 2019

Re: Ambassador Ismail Wais, the IGAD Special Peace Envoy to South Sudan

Dear Prime Minister,

I hope this letter finds you, Sophie, Xavier, Ella-Grace and Hadrien well and in good health.

I am writing to you regarding Canada’s contributions to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) peace mediation activities.

As you know, Canada has been one of the top five donors to the peace process in South Sudan and Sudan since 1990s.To cite a few examples, the UNMISS, the Fish Market in Juba, and Mother, Child Maternal Health Care in Warrap State as well as Programmes on Gender Equality stand out as glowing contributions and mark of moral obligations of Canada in supporting the right cause directed towards just peace in the country through credible regional organizations.

So far, Canada’s funding to support IGAD has covered counter-terrorism capacity building project (judiciary, inter-departmental cooperation; border control; information sharing, training & best practices) amounting to millions of Canadian Dollars since 2006. In addition to this, Canada contributed over $900 million to the huge international effort to support peace, state-building and development in South Sudan; and from 2014-to present Canada contributes around $60 million per year.

Canada is a second home to South Sudanese born-Canadians with an estimated 19,000 living in western Canada, followed by large numbers in the GTA, the Nation’s Capital and Halifax. It is worth pointing out that most Members of South Sudanese born-Canadians and Canadians of African descent are eligible voters for the forthcoming federal elections, and I would encourage and mobilize them to vote for a party that supports the 5-Point Recommendations below:

  1. Canada should halt funding IGAD with immediate effect
  2. Troika member states should search for a new trusted, honest, credible and impartial mediator
  3.  Canada should consult with Canadian Institute for Conflict Resolution (CICR) and explore possibility of Dr. Vern Redekop Senior Professor and expert of Conflict Resolution to lead a new South Sudan mediation process.
  4. The Swiss Peace, Initiative of Change International (IofC) and CICR should be considered as new mediators and tasked with new inclusive peace talks agenda that addresses the root causes of the Crisis in South Sudan These organizations have excellent track records in mediation.
  5. Canada should suspend its foreign aid to countries such as Uganda, Kenya, and Sudan that are facilitating and fueling ethnic conflicts in South Sudan and intervening in the national affairs of their neighbor and supporting unelected governments on the continent. Currently Uganda and Sudan have deployed their troops to South Sudan to guard oil fields, to loot natural resources of the country and have engaged in illegal logging and gold mining businesses while at the same time carrying out military operations alongside the SPLA in Equatoria States.   

In conclusion. I would like to bring to your attention that, the imposed Khartoum Peace Agreement (KPA) signed in August 2018,is a flawed and fake peace and it only serves the interests of neighboring countries of Sudan under Omar Hassan Al-Bashir who carried out genocide against the Fur people in Western region of Sudan and is wanted by International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes against humanity; Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi of Egypt who is interested to increase Egypt’s access to water volumes at the expense of South Sudanese who have no access to clean water; Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of Uganda who is waging ethnic killings in northern Uganda and Uganda Defence Force (UDF) together with Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) forces who are carrying out indiscriminate killings and military operations in the Equatoria States; and Uhuru Kenyatta whose security sector is deporting members of opposition groups who have taken refuge in Kenya to South Sudan and some of them have suffered disappearances and extra-judicial killings.

Therefore, the imposed KPA under IGAD has failed to address Kiir’s core tribal governance problems, centralization of administrative, economic, political, and military powers in the hand of president (Art. 101). Kleptocracy, corruption, Dinkanization-Nuerization policy of institutionalized discrimination and marginalization of non-Dinka-Nuer and land grabbing by the Juba regime government officials and the opposition to the popular demand of the people of South Sudan for Confederate system after interim period are the order of the day. Please, see annex for further details.

To make things worse Ambassador Ismail Wais, the IGAD Special Peace Envoy to South Sudan has chosen to turn a blind eye to the tribal government of Kiir and his associates the Jieng Council of elders (JCE) that led the country into the 2013 and 2016 senseless ethnic civil wars that displaced and drove millions of people to become Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and flee as refugees into refugee camps in neighboring countries and the UNPCO camps in the country. Additionally, IGAD under the leadership of Amb. Wais, has reduced peace negotiations to negotiations about positions.

The March letter of Ambassador Wais to Members of South Sudan National Democratic Alliance (SSDNA) has clearly shown that, IGAD has taken sides and is trying to legitimatize the unelected Juba regime government as well as failing to be an honest, impartial and credible mediator. It has lost integrity and trust of the suffering women, children and men of South Sudan and especially those who are still living in the UNPCs and refugee camps for over seven years because IGAD’s failed approach and policy in resolving of the conflict in South Sudan.

In a nutshell, Canada and Troika member states should not fund and support the policy of IGAD that has legitimized the unelected government of South Sudan.

I call on your government to add its voice and ask the world leaders to take necessary measures to hold IGAD accountable and put pressure on the Agency to engage in an inclusive renegotiation of R-ARCSS to address the root causes of the political Crisis in South Sudan or otherwise face immediate defunding from donor States.

The bias, unfairness and favoritism of IGAD which has become the mouth piece of the Juba Government cannot be ignored by the international community any longer. I demand that Canada holds IGAD leadership accountable for yet turning another blind eye on the fake and the flawed peace agreement and its implementation. I am extremely concerned that, the situation in South Sudan continues to deteriorate and will soon result in a genocide if the international community fails to hold IGAD and AU leadership accountable.

As a committed global citizen, I must speak up and hold IGAD accountable for violating its role and abandoning its responsibilities and continuing to turn a blind eye to the flawed peace agreement in South Sudan.

Thanks Prime Minister and Canada for your interest in South Sudanese born-Canadian Voices.


Hüstin Läkü, Sr.

International Development and Conflicts Analyst

Former Human Rights advisor to Secretary of State for Africa and Latin America

Leader of South Sudanese boreb-Canadians

Founding Member of African Diaspora Association of Canada


Hon. Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Global Affairs

President Paul Kagame 

H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chair of the African Union Commission

Ambassador Ismail Wais,

Troika Ambassadors in South Sudan

Foreign Missions in South Sudan

Episcopal Church of South Sudan (ECSS)

South Sudan Catholic Bishops Conference (SSCBC)

Mr. António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General

President Donald Trump

Hon. Nancy Polesi, US House Speaker

Hon. Mitch McConnell, US Senate Majority Leader

US Members of Foreign Relations

Members of the House Sub Committee on Human Right

Members of House of Commons and Senate Canada,

Members of House of Commons and House of Lords, U.K.

Members of EU Parliament

Amnesty International Ottawa

Enough project, D.C.

Crisis Group, D.C.

Administrative Corruption, Nepotism, Injustice and Discrimination in South Sudan

©Laku’s Research Centre 2019

Saturday, January 19, 2019

South Sudan: Institutionalized Discrimination in Organized Forces and Public Services

This is the second serial of South Sudan organized forces administrative corruption article. It discusses the current appointments and postings of South Sudan National Police Services (SSNPS) officers and soldiers to represent the country in the embassies abroad. Additionally, it sheds light on the systemic discrimination and its purpose, origin, consequences and provides substantial evidence of systemic discrimination. The paper argues that, Kiir’s regime is not willing and ready to restructure or dismantle organized forces not to eliminate the culture of less command and control and less disciplined organized forces which existed for years in the post Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and independence periods. Furthermore, institutionalized Discrimination is driver for insecurity, instability and bad governance crisis. The attached list of SSNPS officers and soldiers compiled in this work in progress reflects only two ethnicities. It is a clear indication of Dinkanization-Nuerization policy at all levels of government. The paper commences with an overview of systemic discrimination.

Systemic discrimination ascribed tribal emotions, ideologies and attitudes that generate and undergird discriminatory practices in the social groups, tribal networks, and institutions that embed and buttress the pervasive tribal discrimination, the unjustly gained economic and political privileges, resources and power of Dinka-Nuer that have resulted from institutionalized discrimination over many years (Bolton, Jr., & Feagin, 2004). This systemic discrimination is encompassing widespread discriminatory practices targeting non-Dinka-Nuer in public services, officers and soldiers in organized forces. It is well institutionalized systemic discrimination practices designed to subordinate members of majority ethnic groups (62 ethnic groups) to the less of secondary citizens. The origin of systemic discrimination can be traced to the time of Abel Alier. Abel was the first President of High Executive Council in the Post-Addis Ababa Agreement (AAA) period.

The systemic discrimination practices are an old system of tribal oppression of Dinka, planned by Abel Alier in the mid-1970s and maintained by the leadership of Sudan People’s Liberation Army/ Movement (SPLA/M) and Jieng Council of Elders (JCE) leaders in the liberation movement, (CPA) and independent era with strategies to root out non-Dinka-Nuer from executive and senior positions in the organized forces and government departments and to unjustly enrich the retired bosses of SSNPS such as Gen. Acuil Tito, sons and daughters of Warrap state with money generated from passports, nationalities, drivers’ and residence permits, customs and oil. The unjust impoverishment of non-Dinka-Nuer created an entrenched tribal hierarchy and inequality that are difficult to overcome, because Dinka-Nuer resisting the surrender of ill-gotten gains.

The origin of systemic discrimination practices, and administration corruption were developed and instituted in Alier’s era, subsequently transferred into development and institutionalization of organized forces in the post-CPA and independent periods. As a result, the non-Dinka-Nuer in organized forces officers and soldiers face systemic discrimination, unfair treatments and promotion barriers which are often based on the traditional ideology and myth of the SPLA/M being a Dinka movement and the South Sudan government a private company of Warrap State. The structural and institutional discrimination and policies of inequality were ingrained in the JCE development plan as well as 39 SPLA Laws.

The structural institutional discrimination is built into the major institutions of the government such as the economy, political, educational, military, police health care and other sectors. The core of systemic discrimination is laid to divide citizens based on ethnic lines, to weaken major ethnic groups of Shilluk, Anuak, Feritit and Equatoria and depopulating the original inhabitants of Malakal, Gambela, Raja and Equatoria through JCE’s divide and rule, land grabbing and creation of 28/32 states policy.

The creation of the 28/32 states by the JCE is an example of rampant efforts to derail the peace implementation process, to dominate, exclude and marginalize and control the government, and to enable further transplantation of Dinka into Shilluk, Feritit, Anuak, and Equatoria areas, and finally to annex the independent Feritit groups in Northern Bahar Al-Ghazal East, into Dinka majority areas.  The overall calculus of the JCE development plan in the establishment of the 28/32 states is to provide a safety net for Dinka and empower its members with greater authority and hegemony over 62 ethnic groups. Out of 28 states Dinka has 15 and translates to more seats in the National Parliament and Senate, guaranteeing one ethnicity control of the nation’s affairs and decision-making in the post-conflict period, and domination of most non-Dinka-Nuer areas (Establishment Order 36).

Unfortunately, many Dinka-Nuer refused to acknowledge the existence of this structural systemic discrimination and instead engage in angry reaction, intimidation and retaliation against those who assert that a discrimination problem exists at all levels of government. The non-Dinka-Nuer officers and soldiers who are competent and able to work to effect important changes in SSNPS and public services, to contribute new knowledge, wisdom, professionalism and modernize law enforcement operations to be more professional, humane and know-how of intra and inter communities conflict preventions found themselves hated, demoted and forced to the non-active list. The consequences of tribalistic systemic discrimination hamper the transfer of knowledge, skills, experiences and wisdom to next generation.

The consequences of discriminatory action of Dinka-Nuer public servants and organized officers’ behavior is tribalistic to the extent that institutional control is weak, dysfunctional, unprofessional, unethical, reduces the quality of service deliveries, and is ineffective and inefficiency; furthermore, it destroys social fabric, and creates lack of equality and undermines the state authority’s government. These above constitute conflict drivers, civil war recurrences, political instability in the near future.

The analysis is based on 10 States and 64 ethnic groups. The appointments and postings of passports and immigration officers and soldiers are based on family ties and ethnic affiliation, rather than merit. Data collected on some of the officers has shown family linkages, ethnicity, nepotism and favoritism which are key factors in decision regarding postings. The analysis of the SSNPS officers and soldiers list consists of 38 individual’s majority are Dinka and Nuer. The following is background information on some officers and soldiers and their ranks, states, ethnicities, family affiliations and gender.

Col. Gathuoth Gai Diu:
Director of passports and immigration and relative of Hon. Tut Kiw, the current Presidential Advisor on Security. Tut is adopted son of president Omar Al-Bashir and this may explain how Sudan was able to infiltered South Sudan through such ties.
Maj. Kuc Koor Kuc
Deputy Director of passports and immigration and related to Akol Koor Koor, Director of South Sudan National Security Services (SSNSS).
Capt. Zacharia Deng Majok:
Brother of Gen. Pieng Kuol, former SSNPS Inspector General (IGP), Hon. Deng Alor, and Dr. Francis M. Deng and all are citizens of Abyei as well as enjoying status as Sudanese citizens and other privileges.
2nd Lt. Mayen Acuil Tito:
Son of Gen. Acuil Tito, former SSNPS Inspector General (IGP) and citizen of Warrap state.
Lt. Col. Majok Peter Majok:
Director of passports and immigration, former office staff of Gen. Acuil Tito, former SSNPS IGP and relative. In 2016 Gen. Acuil was appointed deputy minister of the Interior and Majok was promoted from rank of 1st Lt. to Lt. Colonel within period of 14 days. Additionally, Gen. Acuil made other four promotions which were completely against policy, illegal and contrary to the rules and regulations of police promotions. Regrettably, Kiir endorsed administrative corruption, nepotism, and ethnicization of organized forces when he confirmed illegal promotions with Presidential Decrees (Presidential Decrees,2016).
Lt. Col. Rual Billu Gatluok:
Director of passports and immigration and nephew of the Interior Minister.
Capt. Polo Bouol Kelenga:
Deputy Director of passports and immigration, a member of Murle ethnic group and son In-law of Mr. Machok (Married Dinka lady/ Dinka in-law) Member of Parliament.
Capt. Kuel A. Manyuat Peter:
Deputy Director of passports and immigration and son of Lt. Gen. Abraham Manyuat, Assistant IGP for Administration
Col. Muorwel Andrew Anyuonic:
Director of passports and immigration, and former passports and immigration officer and under qualified. He served at the embassy of South Sudan in Khartoum.
Capt. Ajak George Kongor:
Daughter of Hon. George Kongor, Former Vice President of Sudan. She served at the Embassy of South Sudan in Sudan and is supposed to be recalled to the Headquarter in Juba.
Maj. Giir Giir Majok:
Director of passports and immigration, office manager of current Gen. Majak Akech, SSNPS IGP.
Capt. Daniel Makur Marol:
Director of passports and immigration and Son of Gen.  Makur Marol former SSNPS IGP.
Capt. Maker Bona Nyang:
Director of passports and immigration Office manager of Gen. John Akot, Director General of SSNPS.
1st Lt. Aluel John Justin:
Director of passports and immigration, Daughter of Legal Advisor to the Minister of Interior since 2005.
Capt. Bol Puok Bol M:
Director of passports and immigration, son of a Member of Parliament
Lt. Gen. John Akot:
Lt. Gen. John Akot is currently Director General of Passports and an Immigration. He was Acuil Tito’s office manager. In 2016, he was promoted from Colonel to Maj. General and later to Lt. General and appointed Director General of nationalities, passports and immigration. In 2011-2011 Lt. Gen. Akot was sent for training in Rwanda Police Academy and dismissed and sent home due lack of respect for academic integrity- Lt. Gen. Akot plagiarized an essay submitted by his former colleague.
1st Lt. Gen. Majak Akec Malok:
Current SSNPS IGP, promoted from Colonel to Maj. General and Lt. General, appointed Director General for passports and an immigration and less than a year was promoted to full general and appointed new IGP for the SSNPS.
Maj. Gen. Akol Ayii Madut:
Current Director General for Customs Service (SSCS) is citizen of NBS. He was a junior officer in 2010 and promoted five times within period of eight years, while non-Dinka-Nuer officer are deprived of promotions.
Lt. Gen. Henry Kuany Aguar:
Current Director General of National Prison Services (NPSSS) and citizens of Warrap State.
Lt. Gen. ???
          Current Director General of Wildlife Conservation and Tourism is Dinka
According to the 2012 Police Leadership Conference under the theme: “Comprehensive institutional need assessment (CINA)” held in Wau, determined that, number of police officer college graduates is less than 10% and most graduates were either demoted, forced to the non-active or marginalized without assignments and deployments and replaced by illiterate SPLA soldiers. In addition, most Police Commissioners across South Sudan are either Dinka or Nuer. For instance; the current Jubek State Police Commissioner is Nuer member of Taban Deng rebel group.

·         8 senior and 24 junior officers and 6 policemen (soldiers);
·         22 law enforcement officers and soldiers from Warrap State and
·         8 from Lakes state
·         22 out 38 officers/ soldiers are citizens of Warrap
·         8 out 38 officers/ soldiers are citizens of Lakes
·         3 out 38 officers/ soldiers are citizens of Jonglei
·         5 out of 38 officers/ soldiers are citizens of unity and
·         1 out of 38 officer citizen of Western Equatoria State
·         32 out 38 Dinka
·         4 out 38 Nuer
·         1 out 38 Azande
·         1 out 38 Murle


·         14 out 38 officers/soldiers are related to public office holders
·         4 females
·         34 males

The administrative corruption of SSNPS ranges from ghost list in payroll, manipulating procurement contracts, and falsifying evidence of falsifying the actual number of SSNPS personnel in service. These practices existed during liberation time, integrated into governments of Southern Sudan (GoSS) and its continuous business as usual across the country. For instance; in the post independent period, late Gen. Alison Magaya, the first Minister of Interior discovered that, one police officer turned out to be a bull. A grandmother in her 70s had been listed as a captain and a man; she claimed entitlement to the salary of her long-deceased son. Colonels who were 12 years old were discovered too. People had just added their children to the lists (AU Inquiry Report,2014). This illustrates the nature of established administrative and political corruption in the organized forces and public services.

Moreover, the joint assessment committee conducted analysis of literacy and language capacities and competency levels disaggregated by rank and identified five areas critical to the transformation of the SSNPS, including training gaps, capacity inadequacies, and institutional deficiencies. It found that police cannot read and write the Penal Code or check procedures for arrest. Major problems ensue (Johnson, 2016: P.238).

The assessment also determined and revealed that only one-third of the police were literate in English and one-sixth in Arabic. The rest were illiterate in all languages.
In Unity and Jonglei as many as nine of ten officers were illiterate. And there had been a huge inflation in rank: the ratio of non-commissioned officers to constables was almost 1:1 (ibid).

Therefore, the development of competent SSNPS is essential, but change will not happen with the current leadership, which is incapable and resisting de-ethnicization of organized forces and public services as well as senior and junior positions filled with relatives, and in-laws who lack experience, skills, training, have limited education, and knowledge of policing and are illiterate in all languages.

In conclusion, structural and institutional discrimination play a negative role in organized forces, public services, crimes and corruption prevention. Systemic employment discrimination is designed by JCE to promote and recruit less-educated Dinka-Nuer officers and soldiers and demoting well-qualified, experienced and competent non-Dinka-Nuer officers and soldiers.

The 2019 goal of the Juba regime is controlling members of 62 groups through government apparatus such as organized forces to ensure that Dinka-Nuer power prevail over the less powerful citizens of 62 ethnic groups. The 2019 plan of Dinka-Nuer is to annex the Juba Mayor Office to the President Office with intention to control Jubek state’s resources, land, housing and remote-control Jubek State governor.

With Dinka-Nuer virtually controlling all major institutions, excluded members of other the 62 ethnic groups do not have access to power and resources. Dinka-Nuer elites authorized the use of violence (unknow gun men operations) and organized forces, economic, political, military powers to subordinate citizens of 62 ethnic groups.

Ethnicization of organized forces and public services and the use of violence to exclude members of 62 ethnic group in decision-making and make them less secondary citizens is clear Dinkanization-Nuerization policy. Will peace survive under this system?

About the author:
© Hüstin Läkü,Sr

Is a native South Sudanese, and educated in South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Germany and Switzerland. His current research topic Title: Evaluating South Sudan Governance: From Perspective of Federated Forms and/or Devolution; South Sudan: Institutionalized Discrimination in Organized Forces and Public Services (part-2); Administrative Corruption, Nepotism, Injustice and Discrimination in South Sudan (part-1); SPLA Versus Khartoum Regimes: Animal Farm Carbon Copies; politics of foreign aid-the myth of international aid in Africa. Research interestis deep-rooted conflict, and community mediation and faciliation and leadership training. Moreover, Hüstin has lectured on Sudanese issues in the United States, Canadian universities, the Canadian military academy in Kingston, Rome, Berlin, Innsbruck, Geneva and Slovenia. Hüstin is recipient of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr life time Dream keeper Award, and Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Model for Humanitarian. Hüstin is football referee and he speaks Arabic, French, and Deutsch and read and write Greek and Hebrew. 

AAA             Addis Ababa Agreement
CPA              Comprehensive Peace Agreement
GOSS            Government of Southern Sudan (Government of Self Serving)
IGP              Inspector General of Police
JCE              Jieng Council of Elders
NPSSS           National Prison Service of South Sudan
SSCS            South Sudan Customs Services
SSNPS           South Sudan National Police Service
SSNSS           South Sudan National Security Service
SPLA/M        The leadership of Sudan People’s Liberation Army/ Movement

AUCISS. (2014). AU Commission of Inquiry on South Sudan . Addis Ababa: African Union.
Feagin, K. B. (2004). Black and Blue: African-American Police Officers and Racism . NYC: Routledge .
Feyissa, D. (2011). Playing Different Games: The Paradox of Anywaa and Nuer Identification Strategies in the Gambella Region, Ethiopia. NY: Berghahn Books.
Johnson, D. H. (Ed.). (2015). The Upper Nile Province HandBook: A Report on Peoples and Government in the Southern Sudan, 1931. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Johnson, H. (2016). South Sudan: The Untold Story from Independence to Civil War . London: I.B. Tauris.

Re: Suggestions

To: Dear Black History Month Ottawa (BHMO) Board Members: I'd like to suggest that the BHMO involve young future individuals of NCR in t...