Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Equatorians Curse

This piece sheds light on psychological negative effect of the phrase Ŋun Kata/ Ŋun kata (Rubuna fi) and its synonymous Rubuna be Ayanu, Ana Seebu la Rubuna, Allah be Ayanu; and Huwa bi ligo tawo min Rubuna in the minds of Equaotarians. The piece stresses that, the  villains have taken the advantages of goodness, kindness and warm hospitality of Equatorians to driver the owners of ancestral lands (native lands) using different depopulation plans such as dump cattle, armed cattle keepers to destroy farming communities agricultural producers and create man-made-hunger to starve natives Equatorians to death. It argues that, psychological negative effect of the phrase   Ŋun Kata/ Ŋun kata (Rubuna fi) has resulted in land grabs, cattle dumping, injustices, dehumanization, victimization of Equatorians. It draws conclusion with important action plan. 

Equatorians must get rid of this curse called “Ŋun Kata/ Ŋun kata (Rubuna fi)”1 when dealing with issues such land grabs, cattle dumping, injustices, dehumanization, victimization of Equatorians and must stand their grounds.

This curse Rubuna fi2 have controlled Equatorian minds like drug and its facilitating JCE policy of land grabs, cattle dumping, injustices, dehumanizing of Equatorians to the lowest level and reduced to level of panhandlers- consult: Religion is the opium of the people, Marx.

The mindset of Ŋun kata/ Ŋun kata (Rabuna fi) have controlled Equatorians’ soul, body and mind to the point they became victims of their own inactions, complicit and cannot do anything to save themselves as well as to reclaim their ancestral lands from the villains. Action speaks louder than words. Ali Ibn Abi Talib the fourth caliph from 656 to 661 in his letter  titled “The Rights of governed and governor: If a person takes properties or anything from you by force, and by force you should get it back”-consult: Islam Revealed and Talib’s essays on governance.

It is an unfortunate that, some Equatorian church leaders are prompting this curse-Rubuna fi and totally forgot the case of Israelites in the Bible they are preaching.
The Israelites are the chosen people of God and directly related to Jesus, minor and major Prophets, and what made them different was the fact that, they took actions to claim their ancestral lands through unity of purpose supported by all (competent leadership, skills, diaspora, and others) in common fight against injustice, dehumanization, victimization and the acts of villains.

The Israelites knew and know Rubuna very well through personal relationship with El, Elohim, Adonai, YHWH, Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh, Shaddai, and Tzevaot and did not wait for Rubuna to descend from Heaven to give the lands to the rightful owners. God provided each one of us with all kinds of gifts to use to protect our land and defend ourselves against villains-consult OT.

In 1515 during church reformation movement,  Dr. Martin Luther did not said Rubuna fi and wait for Pope Leo X to cut his head off for exposing corruptions in the catholic church; for instance, “Penances were made so formidable that the sinner is obliged to buy his way out of them; Sale of absolution or dispensation form sins, even future sins; and pressure on dying people to bequeath their property to the church instead of their kin”, instead he used other means/ tools and devised plans to fight the corrupted church leaders in Rome and the end result was victory of the victims-consult Luther’s historic Ninety-Five Theses and his MA and Sacred Theology, Oct 31,1517.

The point is, God gave Equatorian minds to think and develop strategies to fight injustice in whatever forms and God will be in agreement with the victims’ efforts to free themselves, but Equatorians should not wait for God to do what they can do to help their situations whether it is land grabs, cattle dumping and etc; because Equatorians have competencies, skills and knowledge to reclaim what belong to them.

The million question is: Are Equatorians using their competencies, skills, and knowledge to deliver federalism and save themselves from all forms of evil?  Or Equatorians minds are still sink in the mindset of Rubuna fi?  

Who are we-the Equatorians to claim that, we know God more than Jewish people? God helps those who help themselves. Theology of inaction never activate God’s blessings and power.

The take home message is, the villains are taking the advantage of Rubuna fi mindsets of Equatorian and keep occupying more lands, dumping more cattle, taking over churches in Great Equatoria and do more injustices and harms and before we know it we’ll driven out of Great Equatoria. The cultures of villains considered stealing as an honor and absence of basic social relationship ethics.  

The curse has made Great Equatoria a land of nobody, where the villains continue to create mess and get away with it, rape girls and women, dump cattle and armed cattle keepers in Equatoria to destroy farming communities’ producers and create man-made-hunger to starve Equatorians to death- this is another strategy to finish up Euqatorians through hunger. It is time for Equatorians to do the following:

1.    To stand against all forms of injustices;
2.    To assess the pass, the present and determine future through plan of actions;
3.    To provide options for immediate, short and long-terms;
4.    To foster sense of purpose (purpose of Unity)-unity of Great Equatoria;
5.    To get rid of Ŋun kata (Ŋun kata) Rubuna fi from their daily lives & Vacab;

7.    To train new leaders with new mindset and strategies to defend interests of Great Equatoria in the Post formation of government of national unity;
9.    To devise plan(s) to reclaim their land and should not depend on Juba regime to resolve the current policy of land grabs and cattle dumping, it is the JCE strategy and government policy to occupy additional lands in Equatoria through forceful displacement, fake marriages of Equatorian girls and
10. In order to realize the above Equatorian communities’ organizations in diaspora (ESSCA-US, ESSCA-CA, EQ in Australia) should call a conference of purpose of unity ASAP to discuss the current situation in Equatorian and coordinate with Equatorians in the country. Device local strategies to deal with cattle dumping and protect native lands and Equatorians interests.

The community’s leaders complain to Juba regime either Kiir or Speaker of the Parliament will not put an end to cattle dumping in Great Equatoria. This is the last call for Equatorians to wake up and act before assuming situation of Palestinian in occupying land. If Equatorian are not careful they will end up refugees in their own land. Let history prove us wrong. God bless Great Equatoria.

1.    Ŋun Kata/ Ŋun Kata is Karo word means God exists.
2.    Rubuna fi is an Arabic word means God exists.


  1. This is one of the greatest articles I have ever went through. It's time for the people of Equatoria to acts collectively

  2. Time for Acton has come. We need to put the pieces together now not tomorrow. Absence of justice means alternative means to acquire your rights. As cattle are used as shields of invasion so do our actions to protect our ancestral land and right to live a dignified life in South Sudan

  3. I didn't finish it yet but already satisfied. I will get back ...

  4. Good call...time to pay them back in their own coins, thanks for sharing, Doc!

  5. Tell them, especially the traitors of own people should read this❤️

  6. I really enjoyed this article and has a lot to learn from it and nine points introduced in the article is very important for the Equatorian’s to take it seriously and of course it’s implementation is crucial to protect and keep our land free of land grabbers. We should have a strategy to plant this ideas to all heads of churches in Equatoria to start cultivating the ideas to the people.

  7. Yesterday, my people of Mukaya were forcefully displaced by the SSDF from their villages and told to relocate to Yei side. How long are we going to take this use and abuse? We know we have sycophants in the govt who are just there for their own good but time's almost up and it'll be an eye for an eye. Wallai!

  8. Yes we need to act together against injustice....God bless you all...

  9. yes its good move towards injustice but needed actions with enough atires to use to act

  10. Almighty God is omnipresent. It is said he created man in his own image. But I am sorry to some of us were created in the image of Satan. We can not afford to be killed, raped, our land grabbed and our kin and kith displaced while we continue singing the hymn “Ngun Kata”. We must know that God helps those who help themselves. This aggression by invaders must be confronted by any means possible. We all know the person behind their backs over the border, this needs his own chillies to dislodge him because his hand is everywhere in his neighborhood.

  11. Overall thank you brother Lokuowe. Great job done.

  12. Robuna fi ke, de kidim, asan kan uwo yawu ja dafa, de sam

  13. Someone must tell none Equatorians that federalisium doesn't mean they are not allowed to live in Equatoria but they will be able to get plots like everyone else in Equatoria.

  14. The article is good and fit to the writers thinking and the danger of the Equatoria is sold out problem where some people yoked together with the enemy and refused to understand what Equatoria is all about. Equatorians must stop to be subjects of the villisnts. ŋun kata ŋun kata or Allah fi Allah fi is only a symbol of defeat yes I agree but the cursed are those who are dancing to the drum and tune if the enemy and became the helpers, intelligent agents of the land grabbers and I don't think that this curse Allah fi can be pushed to the church. Honestly there are elements who are with the enemy and they are silent to dead minding their own stomach and forgetting about the land if Equatoria and that is our failure per see. For out situation as Equatorians we need to see our situation or this article in two ways. If Allah fi is a contributor let us also not forget those who a silent and eating on the same table with the enemy the land grabbers. Equiatoria must do exactly what the Israelites are doing in this I agree and we must not use ŋun kata as a tool to blame the church. Churches must believe and preach the right message and not to shy away. Nehemiah in his rebuilding mission succeeded because his message is to build and to hold a weapon on the other hand. So I and critical of this curse saying ŋun kata ŋun kata. ŋun kata is a vehicle of fear but not a curse. Yes the points set are good I agree but the mindset of Allah fi does not apply to all Equatorians because not all of us a religious. These are my pure observations of our downfall. Disunity and money hungry lions selling our land and giving our souls to the Devil is what we must liberate ourselves at.

  15. Thank you for chipping in with your insight brother. I do respect your objective take on such heated issues. However, for justice to prevail either peaceful or otherwise facts must be exposed to South Sudanese who are literate and hidden malicious agenda/ interests known as well. That, wouldn't allow any issue festering..

  16. Thank you for chipping in with your insight brother. I do respect your objective take on such heated issues. However, for justice to prevail either peaceful or otherwise facts must be exposed to South Sudanese who are literate and hidden malicious agenda/ interests known as well. That, wouldn't allow any issue festering..

    Why is the Jieng unhappy settling and developing their own "ancestral lands" which are left to become bushes but instead encroach on non Jiengs lands. Non Jiengs have shown no or little interest in Jiengs' lands anyway. .

    An Equatorian working with the government during the 10 states period applied to purchase land in Bor through the right channels, that man nearly lost his life!


  17. This article is less disturbing than the complacency that many of us have become recently. .

    Thanks mate.

  18. Quite disturbing article. but the truth must be told equatorian must fight for their land if we can't fight then are not worth to live.

  19. Quite disturbing article. but the truth must be told equatorian must fight for their land if we can't fight then are not worth to live.

  20. Quite disturbing article. but the truth must be told equatorian must fight for their land if we can't fight then are not worth to live.

  21. "Prayers alone do not make a difference". Agreed brother. Thank you.

  22. It is indeed a very important message and informative for Equatoria's sons and daughters, God only help those who help themselves, prayers alone does not make a difference.
    Thanks, allow me please to repost or copy the message after translation to Arabic?

  23. I am waiting for the day when my Jieng brothers will tell their leaders to stop destroying South Sudan in their names. When Kiir and JCE do or say stupid things in the name of the Jieng, these fellows don't say a darn thing! When non-Jieng re-actively say stupid things much milder than the hatred Jieng leaders have been peddling since 2005, some Jieng suddenly find their voices and accuse them of hating the Jieng! Frankly, you are a bunch of intellectual dimwits! Get some balls and tell your leaders to stop destroying the country in your names before you react to the same stupid things your leaders have been peddling!

  24. if you cannot condemn your leaders for the same stupid things non-Jieng say, just shut up for pete's sake!

  25. lt is the new normal brother whereby oppressors oppress you in every aspect of life and yet they expect you to shut up or praise them also.

  26. lt is the new normal brother whereby oppressors oppress you in every aspect of life and yet they expect you to shut up or praise them also.

    What a world?

  27. I have read the article and I felt it is a tool that is geared to incite hatred of a collective tribes of Equatorians against one tribe, the Jiengs. The article is one sided. It avoided to answer the question of those Jiengs and other non-Jiengs who had to pay some Equatorian landlords and those who impersonate as landlords. Those were paid once, twice, three times even in order to finally obtain the same pieces of lands. Those should be called money grabbers and their act, too, should be considered unjust. Anyway, I’ll be one of those who will support our Equatorian brothers and sisters’ fight, through peaceful means, in order to bring about justice. If Equatorians feel that they have not been treated fairly and the majority of Jieng and non-Jieng know about this, the Equatorians’ fight should not be Equatorians’ fight against injustice. Jieng and non-Jieng should join that fight because, if Equatorians are not living in peace, no one should live in peace. It should be a fight against injustice. These cases are cases that should be discussed in Parliament and a policy applicable anywhere in SS should be arrived at. This will mean, the same procedures a non-Equatorians go through in order to obtain land in Equatoria should be exactly the same procedures that an Equatorian, who want to own land anywhere in SS, would go through. The expression, “ancestral land” is a toxic expression that is often used by those who want to incite tribal hatred. If it has some reasonable use, it should be if we were to drive non-African people out of Africa. As for us, the SS, any part of SS is our ancestral land. Anyone who is interesting in studying human history, will not fail to notice the fact that Africans have been moving around within Africa and even out of Africa. Period.

  28. Thanks,for your enlightenment. The immediate cause of the fading failure/Ngun Kata curse is caused by a deep division in Equatoria promoted with the government/IO self-enrichment melodies. Some ignorant Equatorian politicians/citizens are dangerously breaking our unity to achieve their narrow-mined goals.
    When we carefully manage our disuniting factors, any Equatoria village issue, will be ours, then we can easily thrash the dominance of illiteracy in Equatoria either through Ngun Kata/eye for an eye or quick fix procedures common in some Equatorian villages. We need shrewd Equatorians on the dishonourable side to achieve our goals.
    Thank you brother for sharing your thoughts.

    I hope we take them to heart collectively. .


  29. At present there is a government of national unity which is incomplete. This is a crisis situation indeed. How can the issues of land ownership and others be resolved without a government in place.A war situation always creates a crisis and this crisis can only be overcome by an effective government in place.The Equatoria region seems to be a place of refugee for thousands of South Sudanese who are experiencing insecurity in their regions or states.Therefore,patience in needed in time of crisis to avoid the disintegration of South Sudan into tribal or regional isolation.At present we need ideas and plans that unite the people of South Sudan. We need each other in South Sudan and any ideas which divide us must be carefully avoided.Good ideas and plans bring unity and development to South Sudan,but bad ideas or plans cause disunity and hatred.Ideas produce everything.Therefore,we should choose our ideas carefully for the benefit of all the people of South Sudan.
    May Jehovah God bless South Sudan.

  30. Amen Reverend. Addressing situations as they arise is always a good idea. I believe that such impetuous situations would inspire tangible unity as well as desperately needed solutions. .

    Thank you.

  31. Thanks, Doctari for your enlightenment. The immediate cause of the fading failure/Ngun Kata curse is caused by a deep division in Equatoria promoted with the government/IO self-enrichment melodies. Some ignorant Equatorian politicians/citizens are dangerously breaking our unity to achieve their narrow-mined goals.
    When we carefully manage our disuniting factors, any Equatoria village issue, will be ours, then we can easily thrash the dominance of illiteracy in Equatoria either through Ngun Kata/eye for an eye or quick fix procedures common in some Equatorian villages. We need shrewd Equatorians on the dishonourable side to achieve our goals.

  32. Robuna fi ke, de kidim, asan kan uwo yawu ja dafa, de sam

  33. Someone must tell none Equatorians that federalisium doesn't mean they are not allowed to live in Equatoria but they will be able to get plots like everyone else in Equatoria.

  34. Your right, even God said help your self. then will be added to you

  35. At present there is a government of national unity which is incomplete. This is a crisis situation indeed. How can the issues of land ownership and others be resolved without a government in place.A war situation always creates a crisis and this crisis can only be overcome by an effective government in place.The Equatoria region seems to be a place of refugee for thousands of South Sudanese who are experiencing insecurity in their regions or states.Therefore,patience in needed in time of crisis to avoid the disintegration of South Sudan into tribal or regional isolation.At present we need ideas and plans that unite the people of South Sudan. We need each other in South Sudan and any ideas which divide us must be carefully avoided.Good ideas and plans bring unity and development to South Sudan,but bad ideas or plans cause disunity and hatred.Ideas produce everything.Therefore,we should choose our ideas carefully for the benefit of all the people of South Sudan.
    May Jehovah God bless South Sudan

  36. Thanks, Doctari for your enlightenment. The immediate cause of the fading failure/Ngun Kata curse is caused by a deep division in Equatoria promoted with the government/IO self-enrichment melodies. Some ignorant Equatorian politicians/citizens are dangerously breaking our unity to achieve their narrow-mined goals.
    When we carefully manage our disuniting factors, any Equatoria village issue, will be ours, then we can easily thrash the dominance of illiteracy in Equatoria either through Ngun Kata/eye for an eye or quick fix procedures common in some Equatorian villages. We need shrewd Equatorians on the dishonourable side to achieve our goals.

  37. Owon Hollum
    this killing us really
    We need behave like others behave Allah wahid
    If you’re in Rome behave like Romans please.

  38. This is one of the greatest articles I have ever went through. It's time for the people of Equatoria to acts collectively.


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