Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Untold Stories of True Greatest Heroes of South Sudan and Journey towards Independent


This work in progress is about personal stories and accounts of the July 7th, 1992 (The 1992 Juba Massacre By The Khartoum Regime) Equatorians on the True Greatest Heroes (SPLA Insiders/ SPLA cell) who shed their precious blood and paid the ultimate price  to advance the South Sudanese cause to the next level in their struggle for their inalienable right to self-determination and independence


In addition to this, it is to nullify the false claims advanced by Kiir and his associates that Equatorians never participated and contributed their fair share in the struggle for South Sudan independence. These are the testimonies of sons & daughters of Equatoria who energized and encouraged many young men and women from their own communities and region to join the liberation movement in the time the SPLA lost its momentum after the September 1991 Dinka-Nuer conflict and split up. As a result, the Equatorian manpower provided SPLA with competent, disciplined, skillful, well-trained officers and soldiers who successfully took the fight to the next level. The highly trained Equatorian Officers and soldiers trained SPLA soldiers in battle procedures, advance tactics and the training helped the movement to achieve more victories across South Sudan.


On the other hand, Equatorian civilians fed and provided SPLA soldiers with food, shelter, and safe heaven within the CES, EES, WES bushes. Without CES, EES and WES and the men, women and children of the farming community, SPLA would have perished of hunger and failed to achieve its mission. Without Equatorians support, the President’s tribesmen would have not survived in Greater Equatoria as they are known for laziness, desires for unethical gains, stealing and grabbing people’s properties. This is noticeably clear in the way the country is being run today by Kiir and his tribesmen.


This work in progress, constitutes befitting tributes honoring the sacrifices, prides, and purpose for life of the defenders of justice, freedom, and equality. These heroic defenders of justice, freedom and equality were arrested, detained, tortured, and brutally killed by the Mundukurat in cold blood. If their plan to help SPLA to take control of Juba had succeeded the road to South Sudan independence would have been shorter and would have stopped the suffering of South Sudanese in refugee and IDPs camps.


The July 7th, 1992 event meant a lot to every South Sudanese, because their blood was re-energized, re-empowered, re-injected new blood of heroic fighting to re-make SPLA stronger, and conquered more territories from Khartoum regime.


The July 7th, historic event deserves recognition because the extraordinary risks the Greatest heroes exercised to overpower regime in Juba and overcome fear to challenge the Mundukurat from inside was not an easy task and it is only the courageous & true well trained military personnel can achieved such highly dangerous military mission in bright daylight. Thus, why the July 7th, 1992 deserves acknowledgement because it meant a lot to every South Sudanese. The true greatest heroes’ blood re-energized, reawakening, re-empowered, re-injected new blood of fear free into movement and remake SPLA stronger, and conquered more territories from Khartoum regime.  


The July 7th,1992 freedom legends of South Sudan left behind enduring legacies that will never be forgotten. They were the icons of South Sudan independence who treasured as voices for the voiceless. These true greatest heroes heroically championed SPLA vision inside former Sudan without fear, exercised courage, and determination to send message of freedom across former Sudan.  They engaged in continued struggles within former Sudan and provided SPLA with vital information to attack Juba and capture Juba easily. If the plan had succeeded, the road to independence would have been shorter with less suffering and losses.  They led by example and left indelible imprint in the history of South Sudan. They dedicated their own lives to enriched South Sudan values in their diversities.


Furthermore, this work in progress sheds light on the total neglect, and lack of acknowledgment for the contributions of the true greatest heroes of South Sudan by government authorities, leaders of both national and state levels as well as failure of governments to care for the children and spouses of the July 7th, 1992 heroes.


Both levels of government failed to establish (The July 7th, 1992 True Greatest Heroes Trust Fund) to cater for the daily needs of these families. Over more, national government failed to follow up with Khartoum government heroes’ pensions, compensation and seek transitional justice to investigate the circumstances of their deaths. However, the biggest failure and lack of recognition are from the Three Governors of Great Equatoria who failed to acknowledge the contributions of their own sons & daughters, failed to erect statues to honor, and remember their memories as well as establish “The July 7th, 1992 Great Equatoria States Trust Fund” to cater for the families of the true greatest heroes. Shame on the Equatorian leaders. If Equatorians cannot pay tributes to their own sons & daughters’ struggle for independence, & why should the common enemies of South Sudan officials in the centre do so?  One of the common enemies of Equatoria are Equatorians themselves in a time unity of Equatorians is a must.


In contrast, instead of honoring and remember the legacies of the July 7th, 1992 True Greatest Equatorian Heroes, the previous and current Great Equatoria Governors are busy pleasing their masters (mede na-Aluwele) and kiss their asses, giving them public residential houses in Juba. Some houses were sold to the enemies of Equatoria, natural resources and lands were sold to the governors’ masters in return secured governorship positions. Great Equatorian leaders whether in the Parliament or Governors, they are all busy focusing on re-appointments in the next government, power, position, working day-and-night destroying Equatoria unity. True kanoliliaka ti mede na-Aluwele are been used to advance JCE’s agenda of one ethnicity imposing its will on majority 63 ethnic groups.   


The mission of true greatest heroes was to liberate South Sudan from within, which was more important than their personal ambitions. They looked out for the SPLA true vision of New Sudan and not inward for Khartoum & Kiir regimes’ policies of discrimination, marginalization, dehumanization, divide and rule, Arabization, and Islamization, dankinzation, tribalism and centralization of powers in the hands of two ethnicities. The courageous acts to tackled Khartoum regime from the horns and head in Juba during daylight was extraordinary unheard in the history of revolutions in Africa.


Therefore, 2020 is the year to celebrate, their blood, lives, ultimate sacrifices, public services for this generation and for the next generation to be free. South Sudanese are honoring them today with these personal accounts to hold this generation to account. They made their contributions and it is time for this generation of Equatoria to create its own share for freedom, justice, equality and liberate the oppressed from the hands of two ethnicities that are destroying the country.


The true greatest heroes of South Sudan showed goodness, unselfishness, constant sacrifices for independent South Sudan free of injustice, inequality, discrimination, and dehumanization of others. The 63 ethnicities should not give up and give in to Kiir and his associates policies of indifference and no matter what keep fighting for equality, economic equality, justice, and freedom. The best solution for South Sudan political instability is for the majority of 63 ethnicities fight for SEPARATE COUNTRY of their own like the Balkans to put an end to all injustice, inequalities, dehumanization, and marginalization.


What should be done?

  1. Juba regime should address Khartoum government to request Sudan’s Attorney General to investigate Bashir about the July 7th, 1992 massacres, and add file to current charges against Bashir.
  2. The national government should introduce July 7th, as a statutory holiday on both level of governments
  3. If the national government failed to do so, the Three Great Equatoria States government should introduce July 7th, as State Statutory holiday in their respected state.
  4. To remember, honor the true greatest heroes of equatorial fighting spirit, the Governors of Great Equatoria States should build statues with flames in CES, EES, WES to represent their fighting spirits.
  5. To remember, honor them, the Three Governors of Great Equatoria States should establish The July 1992 Trust Fund for the children and spouses of the true greatest heroes.
  6. To remember, honor them, the three governors of Great Equatoria States should establish junior, and high school’s scholarship funds for their memories &
  7. To remember, honor them, the three governors of Great Equatoria States–in partnership with South Sudan football, basketball association-should organize annually tournaments in their memories



Lakusr's Research Centre (LRC) is deeply indebted to all who contributed to this work in progress and provided historical accounts of some of the true greatest heroes of South Sudan. This work in progress would not have been half completed without your time, energies, advice, and support. I would like to express my special thanks to Al-Zein Al-Senussi, Gen. Salah Samsona, Hassan Lugga, Benaiah Duku, Dr. Josephson Mogga, M.D., Dr. David Bassiouni, Dr. Charles Bakheit, Prof. Alfred Lokuji, Rhama Sabit Darfur, Gen. George, Hon. Awutu N'Deke, Ustaza Gweadt Jambir, Fataka Lako, Alfred Lado, Akino Jada, and most importantly LakuSr's Research Centre for taking the led in this project. Let us continue search for missing information about other true greatest heroes of South Sudan.

Should you have some additional information on the current one and missing one, please, leave note on in the commons box and will follow up with you. We need to document their personal stories and accounts as well as what led to their deaths.


  1. I am very impressed with the history being recorded to this heroes.
    Kiir regim and his members were not paying any attention for them at all. This is great.
    My personal thanks and appreciation to the team working on this Nobel history of our matyers.

  2. They paid with their blood for our liberation. They will forever be remembered. The struggle continues for a true liberation they paid an ultimate price for.

  3. Excellent! Thank you very much for sharing a memory of our fallen heroes

  4. Thank you. Very deeply moving. They sacrificed their lives so we can be free, but sadly, SKM has destroyed their dreams, our dreams. But they have not died in vain. Struggle continues

  5. Our Fallen Heroes of a Great Nation

    “Our nation owes a debt to its fallen heroes that we can never fully repay, but we can honor their sacrifices.” - Barack Obama.

    We owe a debt to our martyrs and heroes of the Juba 1992 white house massacre. We honor our fallen heroes whose blood cemented our national foundation. The Juba 1992 massacre was a turning point in the history of our struggles and sacrifices against the domination by the successive Khartoum regimes.

    Our heroes stood against the heinous violations of human rights committed against our innocent civilians without due process, and they were accused and labeled as fifth columnists and collaborators.

    They paid the ultimate sacrifice by their lives and were murdered in cold blood, and extra-judicially executed by the 1989 National Islamic Front (NIF) regime of Omer Hassan Al Bashir.

    The Juba 1992 massacre was one of an accumulative revolution of the people of South Sudan going back to 1947, 1955 –1972, 1963, 1983 - 1992.
    We salute our martyrs and heroes, who paid the ultimate price of sacrifice for their country and their people,
    We honor heroes’ families who lost their loved ones at alter of liberation for the Republic of South Sudan.

    This video is making the 28th anniversary of the 1992 Juba Massacre. We will continue to honor our heroes and martyrs and demand justice for them. May the Almighty God rest their beautiful souls in peace.

    MGen. Salah Samsona, Attorney at Law
    South Sudan Police Services

  6. Dear Members of Lakusr's Research Centre:

    I am not writing with information on any of the heroes nor contacts who might progress this project.

    Just wanted to thank you for taking the initiative to document this part of history.
    For it is only through, our complete past history, we can forge forward positively. Years later, it has changed many lives indefinitely. 

    I was a little girl then and my immediate family had just left the Sudan in 1991 before this terrible incident happened. I remember the lamentations of many at that time.

    This can be a lasting record of the timeline of our history and subconsequent culture and heritage.

    I wanted you ti know my gratitude and to encourage you on.



Re: Suggestions

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